Hi every one
Happy Pink Saturday
Please leave a comment . I look everyday for comments. and will comment at yours
Had to go to fabric store while Jillian was here . She said "Grandma Pink Saturday"

These are all vintage store mannequins
(I use these when I sew for myself ) I wish

Was going to post my new home for my
ATC ,I have received from my partners and part of mine
I sent
The top picture Mannequins in my back yard
The dark with dark fabric from is a shirt I worn in high school.
There is a man mannequin in the back . I won on Ebay the stand I found curb shopping
All the hats are vintage Love hats
Print one is french dictionary is from Etsy. I'm still not done with the pink ones need to add make up. The ones with the fabric draped with vintage fabric,Curtains from our farm 50 years ago Red is wool from the wool store in Pendelton Oregon . I just hate to cut fabric I like. I do have a few small mannquins I have painted around the house also .

The last is a quest bedroom The bed was on the grandfather's farm for 50 y I had my brother in law did .t was one big piece of rust I had it sand blazed. The crystal finals gone so I found some door knobs on Ebay and they work out. a I have a collection of McCoy pottery. The wedding certificate in the corner is my granddaughter They where married where in 1905 in Minnesota. My mother said if I would frame it I could have it some day . Now I do .The painting of the lady my friend was need to stop .Will stop
Don't forget a comment Laura