Where I went to Mass on Sunday I went to two .This is the Church by where Jessie lives. it was a children's Mass I stayed for awhile and then left and went to the big cathedral the Cathedral is so big .I left the first mass . I knew I will never get to go to a cathedral, again so I left. I did not know they had mass in it till we went on a tour and I asked couple day before. It is hard to believe it is so old.
. Holy week all the parades stated from the big cathedral. Holy Week was so nice never any thing like it.
This the cathedarl in side and out.Went to the nices cafe The owner waited on us and told use he thought this would be good
1fish and chips
2 Spainish pork slices
3 Pasta with tuna
4 pork chop and frys
5 some kind of carmel cake
and a pitcher of sangera
It was so good .But I was so tried we rushed it all.
Joe got the bill and it was only 21 ,E
After joe payed the owner gave me and joe a gifts joe two key rings and me them hand clicker the flamigo dancer use .He also gave us his sangera recipe what a nice man.
A couple time I was given gifts.
When we got to Silliva by train from Cadzi to fly to Madrid our tickets had been canceled. We ended up going stand by
Thank God we got on
It was so stressful, flying on these small airlines over here
.The trip has been wonderful will be glad to get on the plane here in Madrid we have so much lugage We now fly Delta hope it goes good.
The stay in Cadzi was wonderful only thing that would have made it perfect would have been to have internet ,Would go back in a minute, getting from place to place is the only stressful thingI have bought so many nice things allot of stash for my had work and jewerly
Lovely to be seeing so much.... have a wonderful time...
Great trip Laura! Safe trip back too.. :)