Mosaic Magpie The day she came by was may 24 Th
I will have a another give away when I have 100 followers When we get close I will have a count down I do not know what it will be but it will be home made.
This is number one giveaway

Here is the the prize
It is a 9x6pillow accent with silk flowers and leaves, feather small string of pearls. With a copy of painting done on the computer by Vern Skaug The subject is of a picture taken in Greece. I call it" The Greek Accordion Player"
There will be a small surprise in side the box
When I get the address of Mosaic Magpie and after the holiday it will be in the mail . I hope she likes it and can use it.
So lovely. What a lucky lady!
ReplyDeletecongratulations a beautiful prize
ReplyDeleteWas so nice to hear from you!
What a lovely blog you have!
Warm, warm hugs from me to you:)))))
Alicja from Poland
Thanks for your kind visit,
ReplyDeleteI love the pillow on your header, and Mosaic Magpie was very lucky.I will be back,dear.
xo Dorthe
Thanks for your comment on my cross stitching. I should of cross stitched more when I was younger had good eyesight. What makes it possible for me to see my stitching is, wearing my glasses while using a magnifer that has a bright liht on it.
ReplyDeleteThank you! I am so happy to win! The day your granddaughter pick my name was the 24th, my anniversary as well. Lucky Day! Thanks again off to email you!
Your roses on your logo/banner are beautiful, chick! I make them also and it the most calming thing I can do: sit down and make a flower our of fabric, coffee filters or ribbon. Ahhhh....
Beautiful designs.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations to the lucky winner! Have a nice week! Twyla
ReplyDeleteNuhun nya, info ieu manfaat pisan eung.. urang gen nepi ka terharuna maca artikel ieu, kubakat teu ngarti tea duka naon eusina
ReplyDeleteObat Osteoporosis Herbal yang Ampuh Obat Penurun Tekanan Darah Tinggi yang Ampuh Cara Menyembuhkan Gatal pada Sela Jari Kaki Cara Mengobati Radang Usus Buntu Kronis Cara Menghilangkan Miom Di Rahim Secara Alami Cara Menghilangkan Benjolan Seperti Bisul Di Pantat / Bokong Secara Alami Cara Menyembuhkan Eksim dengan Bahan Alami Cara Mengempeskan Benjolan Di Leher Secara Alami Cara Mengeluarkan Batu Ginjal Secara Alami dengan Cepat Tanpa Operasi Obat Sesak Nafas Reaksi Cepat untuk Asma