Hi everyone.
From cold North DakotaUSA
This is my first OWOH. Do not know much about the computer. Hope to learn I did try a college class it was not what I needed. That was a waste.Put that is what life it is all about.Learning.
I also collect Annetta Himsted dolls like to sew for them they about the size of a two year old . Collect pottery, crowns ,Color crayons things too many to list.
Love to go to auctions put can not go as my house is full. and I have no will power there
Trying to get some of the thing out of here.
I just do not know what I like best country or shabby chic I have both style in different rooms.
I'm a retired art teacher . Now all do is play and try new crafts. I love to give gifts, so I really like the swaps I think it is fun find the theme.
I have three granddaughter and I'm making something for them. all the time.My hobby's are
Decorative Painting ( oil s, Pastel,watercolor and acrylics)
Fine Art I do not know where( Fine art) that comes from but that is another story
I work with wool.I get allot my wool from a farm here in North Dakota. she dyes ,it to the most wonderful colors
I have a kiln do some glass fusing glass .
Little beads work but use them with my wool
Handwork, Crazy Quilting-- Make pillows
I think I have tryed them all. I now just do for fun ,I have a few things At my Etsy Store.Need to do something with them.
Have doing crafts all my life started with my doll on my mom's sewing machine
I started blogging to meet people from every where and have meet some . really like this OWOH. Just sorry it is the last one. But I understand with people like that not know much about the computer it is allot of work..I like to travel. Have been to Europe a few times.Hope to go again.Maybe to see you.Maybe you can come here.
Welcome everyone from around the world .
This is my door prize for visiting + some candy and a surprise,it will depend on who the winners is something they can use.what the surprise will be? I will visit everyone who leave a comment. Hope some will follow. I know I will be back to some of you.
I will put everyones name in a hat and pick the winner That makes a comment from Jan30- Feb 17. I hope to meet some new friends Thank You for stopping by . will be by
Here is what I have been doing
Along with have my foot fixed.Had a nerve removed.
Finished my gifts for all the swaps I'm in. They are ---
Mug Matt( and I'm not a quilter)
Now I have not reason to not clean or finish matting and painting the things I have ready to get done.
We did finish the kitchen .I now need to get paintings for the wall. After I matt them.I will take picture of the new look in my kitchen.
Hope you leave a comment.Hope the world will settle down with the weather and unrest