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We had a great holiday watched allot of movies.Here is the ham pie. It is so good . Joe did a good job

Easter was allot of fun
ate way too much.Went way too fast.
Fun with the girls went shopping with Jessie for school
Anita had a young man over for dinner he is from overseas ,very nice boy
It sure makes you appreciate our country we have so many rights and privileges
It is nice to be home
Received a order I won on eBay
It is a peach bodice it came from France, I changed one of my dolls I put it on the outside of the dress like a vest. I think I will frame it later and use it in my white bedroom.She is standing by the roses I painted

Did not do much Italian .Joe's cousin the one from Italy called left a message and I understood a couple words.
Signed up for the trip to Little Fall show in the fall today .Now I'm going to start the lining for my shopping cart . That I will use there. I got the cart last year. I have some material I can use it is nice and wide .It is so handy
Now that the Easter is over I'm going to try and get some paintings for the gallery I'm in .The gallery is in Montana. They like small one will need to do that now. will take them in May so have time to get them done
When shopping with Jessie got more material for doll dresses Have that to do too.