Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Painting day
Did my walking and eat heathly today
Monday, June 28, 2010
Sewing and glueing
I did the glass bowls awhile back and last week I made the dress and the quilt is one I bought In PA..from a Amish lady many years ago.I some of the time it is in my painting room or where I create.
The wreath for July is pages of a old dictionary copy's of post cards under is a fan ed pages and a stained lase flower.
Friday, June 25, 2010
Pink Saturday # Eight
Thank You for Stopping By,Love the visit
My sweet Jillian was here with her sister for a couple day . She and grandpa made supper it was wonderful . A prime rib roast done prefect, baked potatoes grandpa job took out too early a bit hard, corn and a fresh fruit salad and ice cream for desert..Jillian loves to cook grandpa just told how to do it and she did. the roast she used a timer and season it . To night we did hair then she thought she wanted to sew so we made the bag and head band Her sister got one in New York so we made her one. now she is drawing me something.
Happy Friday Weddings
As I sit here watching TV Amazing Wedding Cakes.
I have been married to the same man for 46 years this last May
The white hat is what I wore on my wedding day. I did wash it so it is not stiff
and went shopping and found it
jacket very in at the time. I think my whole wedding was around 200.00 I had the reception at my mothers house. Joe was in the Air Force at the time .The wedding is a whole long story The wedding was two day after pay day and everyone was young ,Need I say more.
The bride dress was wore by jessie for a good friends wedding . The other dress is one I sewed
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Sister Sorority

Summer Swap!!!!!!!
Friday, June 18, 2010
Pink Saturday The Seventh
End of week projects
I did do the dolls dress and jacket
and cage dolls. bird nests and the lamp shade.The gas can came from our family farm from 50 years ago. I painted it awhile back and never like the shade I had .I did curb shopping found a floor lamp.The shade was all a part I taped it , the base I used for a stand for a mannequin ,another part for a hat stand.Last night I tryed this and like it .The heart I had painted. I'm going to put tin things all around it .The pillows I just closed them.The hanger pocket sew it together, the hanger I got at the dollor store.
The tassel the doll is holding I did finish a few of them. I found the tops at Hobby Lobby and the thrift store. All so worked on the doll face where she had a mark on her cheek. I made the jacket out of some material I had from one I made myself.
The doll dress fit in to the display I have of things with the color wheel. The necklace I bought on Etsy.
I have a couple more dresses to sew.
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Project done
Monday, June 14, 2010
New Projects
Thank you for coming by.
Hope you are have a good day!!!!!
I started the Santo Doll Cage.
It is my style. I'm going to do in primitive .Will do some painting on them. It is very different them the original s .Will get a reporduction one some time.
I have always used paper mache When I do tis type of craft, this Paper Clay is wonderful.
The size of the cage is about12x 3 .When it is done with the doll it will be another 6 inches Will be working on for a few days.
My First Award

Here is my Blogger I like
1woodtown whimmsies.blogspot.com
4http://Tin and Sparkle.blogspot.com
6-Connie Living Bautifully.blogspot.com
7-Atelier De Charo.blogger.com
The Stone Rabbit.typepad.com
9Thoughts from Memes Corner. blogspot.com
10Same as it never was. blogspot.com
11 Bell Rosa Antiques.blogspot.com
!3How Sweet the sound.blogspot.com
14-Casual Cottage.blogspot.com
15-http://Den Lell Lade.blogspot.com
If you have not been to these blogs You better go ,they are so creative
Friday, June 11, 2010
Pink Saturday The 6th One
This is the cupcake shop When we
went shopping Sure glad I was not hungry everything was so pretty and good.
I was good only looked did not eat any.
This lady was ready for rain in here pink rain coat, and happy to pose for the picture.
This is Jillian my grandaughter .She went with us to the city's.The bench was wet she did not want to get a wet butt. She is so sweet Has fun with her .
I have been busy doing my project for the bloggerelle Sorority. I wonder who my room mate will be ? If we even have room mates . Not sure what we will do but I'm sure it will be fun. Hope to meet more bloggers.
Did my walking while I was on the phone .I did not walk as fast or burn as many calorie but it sure seem to go fast. Did eat good today .
Hope on Wed. My wieght in day. I have lose some thing .We will all know.
Jessie Birthday the 12Th tomorrow's will have to watch at the party time.
The weather is so rainy. Would like to know when spring is going to be here . It is hard to get in the mood to do anything . With it so rainy and cloudy. Maybe this week will be better.
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
The big city time
Then next day went to Minneapolis love that city.
My son house was back to the rafters in the kitchen the other rooms the floors are to the wood. They are getting wood and tile.
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
My new commtment
I will weigh in every wed. this is my new commitment.Last June I went in to ER and had to anagram there was not anything wrong .The Dr. said if I would eat heartily, lose weight get to my cheerleader weight .I would not die of heart problems. I started at 197 .I'm trying to get to 157.I have not been walking and been eating some junk.
Back from the city had a nice time I will post the trip
I feel a little tried It is great to be home.
Thursday, June 3, 2010
We are going to the minneapolis in the morning there is the art show in Edina I have been to it the last few years and love it
I'm in the vintage swap so get to shop more for her.
I went to the thrift shop here in bismarck got some great finds.Her taste is different so it is fun to look at things different. This so fun Thank You Heide.
It has been a great for getting my creative juices going again .
I found these blank doll at the thrift I'm going to try some dolls now.
Need to try something new.
No pictures today. Will post I get home.